Friday, January 4, 2008

Where do Romney-ites turn now?

To whom do Romney supporters turn in the event Iowa was a fatal blow to his campaign?

To Huckabee? Not if you dislike taxes, and the Fair Tax is not the answer (do your homework if you think it is). Nor do you turn to him if you worry about the damage future ethics investigations would do the the Republican party (as if the past few years haven't been bad enough). He is the choice only if we want is a man who is socially strong on traditional values but nothing else.

To McCain? Only if you're prepared to be seething mad at least 4-5 times in the next four years and mildly mad about 10-12 times. He's a roll of the dice when it comes to immigration reform and taxation. If he is elected, the one good thing is that I don't see him getting re-elected at age 76 in 2012. He could be the choice if we look not only at what we want but for the most centrist candidate - the times he makes conservatives hopping mad, he will at least please the other side.

To Rudy? Not if you want someone with morals in the White House. (Would his wife be the First Lady or the Third Lady?) This is still a tempting place to go when you look at how he actually led while mayor of New York - he may be a mess himself, but he did do positive things and promises to do the same as president.

To Fred? Let's be honest. No matter how much we like his policies, but he hasn't got a chance at this thing at all.

To Ron Paul? It's tempting if nothing else than to abolish the federal reserve, put us back on the gold standard, and live by the Constitution. But no matter how much you like him, reality again is that he will not win.

To a Democrat? I fear too much for the Supreme Court and my pocket book to want this for our country. I have nothing against Obama (except he is rated the most liberal of all democratic candidates, and he had some drug issues in the past - not what I want to hold up as the gold standard for my children, thanks). Edwards is done. Clinton will break the country with all the programs she wants to implement (From her own mouth: "America can't afford all the ideas I have"). No other democrat has a chance.

To Michael Bloomberg? I don't know enough about him yet, but at this juncture, I really have to hope that he ends up being more like Mitt than the rest of the field.

What's a guy to do at this juncture?

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